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Kristy Walters and Lachlan Hunter are two young guns that are growing the Harmony Agriculture and Food Company (based in Western Australia) into one of the leading business in the Australian livestock sector.
Valuable ideas often stem from the younger generation who work and study in the sector, which is why the Innovation Awards are so important for progress in the sector.
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Investment widfall for crops research in New South Wales


A crop research centre in New South Wales will now receive a massive financial boost of $1.8 million thanks to the GRDC

The Temora Agricultural Innovation Centre (T.A.I.C) is a research centre under community ownership that has just landed $1.8million in aid from the Grains Research and Development Corporation.

The TAIC is owned by Farmlink Research ltd and the grant will be utilised to the develop a ten megalitre dam sufficient for the irrigation of one hundred trial hectares.

John Woods, GRDC chairman revealed that fund will also be used for the improvement of the admin facilities and sample handling processes and the development of machinery.

Mr Woods explained that currently 17 organisations from both the private and public sector were carrying out research at TAIC.

Darryl Harper, Farmlink director also commented that supporting TAIC would help significantly the New South Wale farmers.

Temora Shire Council also plans to invest $444,000 in cash for the research task.

For more information see the GRDC website
